the 24-54 demographic. As a full-time, 24-hour-a-day station with 5,000 watts, our emphasis is on information: news, weathers, sports and community events. Our Classic Hits format serves a market of 40,000-plus, highlighting the top hits of the early 1950s through the mid 1970s. Our music flow is a well-balanced, listenable mix that generates high listener loyalty. KOZY is the Grand Rapids area affiliate for the ABC Information Network, which includes Paul Harvey News and Paul Harvey's "The Rest of the Story," along with hourly news updates from ABC, as well as news at the bottom of the hour from the Minnesota News Network. KOZY's exclusive network of affiliations afford us the opportunity to present information of all types to our listeners in an accurate and rapid fashion. KOZY is also the local home for live, play-by-play coverage of the Minnesota Twins, the Minnesota Timberwolves, the Minnesota Wild, and the best of all area high school sports action. Features like The Morning Mess morning show, Minnesota Mondays featuring "home grown" bands, the Afternoon Cleanup drive-time program, Michael Davis' local news and interviews, Twins Talk, A Word With the Wild, and About Sports are just some of the great locally produced features on KOZY. All of these special touches, combined with local, creative staff members, make KOZY the station Grand Rapids area listeners depend on. Our staff is dedicated to this area and to making our station the best possible source of information and entertainment in the northland. ------ Shows: The Afternoon Cleanup, Erin Anderson, Kathy Lynn, Nicole Zorman, The KOZY Morning Mess ----- Hosts: Clayton Kruger, Kathy Lynn
Website: http://www.kozyradio.com/ Email: Tel: (218) 999-KOZY Address: PO Box 597, Grand Rapids, MN 55744 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/KOZY-KMFY/186650094700388?sk=wall
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