songs a day, so whether it is day or night, YOU will hear what YOU want and need: Southern Gospel quartet music. IT IS HERE for YOU, 24 hours a day, seven days a week year around. There are no talk shows or news programs. You can get them on a lot of other stations. Whenever you tune in, you get 4 part Southern Gospel harmony lovingly presented by a quartet loving DJ with one of the richest, deepest voices in radio today. He is very professional, yet very friendly and personal as he gives the song title and artist at the end of every song. That DJ is Carl Ramsey, who has honed his ability to communicate with you and other listeners through 46 years in radio and television. Carl doesn’t get paid to do the announcing. He makes his living doing network radio news for United News and Information (www.uninews.org). He is more than an expert at occasionally offering interesting information about a song or a quartet. Carl has been going to Southern Gospel Quartet concerts and collecting recordings since 1961, shortly after he accepted Christ as a teenager. He is passionate about this music, not only for the sound, but mostly for the way it drives home such important messages through the lyrics. He knows many of the quartets we play personally. He keeps the talk to a minimum, but when he shares the music, he’s sharing from his deep love and knowledge of this fantastic music. The Ramsey Family Story (in brief) We are the Ramsey family of Frederick, Maryland. I am Carl. The station grew out of a vision I have had for many years. I wanted to put my broadcasting skills to work even more for The Lord through a station that featured four part Gospel harmony. The Lord granted me the honor of seeing that vision come to life in March of 2002 when All Quartets Radio started sending out Gospel Quartet music 24 hours a day every day of the year. There have been some changes in the Ramsey family since the station started. This is our family at that time: Top row (l to r) Dad (James) Ramsey, Jon Disbennett, Carl Ramsey Bottom row (l to r) Mom (Leona) Ramsey (1922 -2002), our daughter Yvonne Disbennett, Carlotta Ramsey (1941 -2003) In a period of less than one year, my mother and my wife of 39 1/2 years both died. Both were born again and dedicated Christians and are in Heaven. Those of us left behind rejoice for them, but we also miss them both very much. Mom died September 13, 2002 at age 80. Less than a year later, September 5, 2003, Carlotta died at age 63. Carlotta had been very instrumental in starting All Quartets Radio. She was a highly trained, gifted singer who enjoyed all sorts of music but was especially found of Southern Gospel music. Without her whole hearted support it would have been impossible to start the station. She shared my vision and hand in hand, God directed us as we started All Quartets Radio. The picture below is of our family right after the loss of these two Godly women. (Top row) Jon and Yvonne (daughter) Disbennett (Bottom) Dad James Ramsey and Carl Carl’s Story When I was 17 I quit my 50 cents an hour job at the drug store and became a volunteer announcer on a local Christian radio station. Since that time a few decades ago, I have been blessed to serve people through radio and sometimes television. Most of my work has been in Christian radio. But I worked in some secular stations along the way. Gospel quartet music has had a powerful, positive impact on my life. Shortly after becoming a Christian during my teens, I felt The Lord wanted me to get rid of my rock and roll records. I did. Soon I attended my first concert with the Blackwood Brothers and Statesmen Quartets and I was hooked. It has been my dream for years to have a station that features only good Gospel quartet music. After months of hard work in setting up the station, it is now a reality. I thank God for making it possible and giving me the vision to go forward with All Quartets Radio. I also have the privilege of working with UNI News. This is a Christian owned and operated radio news network. We have a very special team of people involved who are dedicated to making news a ministry. Through objective information with special emphasis on moral and spiritual issues, we strive to bring the teachings of Christ to this important era known as “The Information Age.” I do network radio newscasts weekday mornings and also do an analysis piece, “Another View of The News.” This is how I make a living. I live in a condominium in the shadow of the first range of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Frederick, Maryland. Please take time to find out more about United News and Information at www.uninews.com. Thank you for finding out more about my dream. I ask you to join me in praying that God will bless this ministry and use it mightily. All Quartets Radio is a financial investment by our family. We have put our own meager resources into starting it. But more than financial, we see it as an eternal investment. We are not talking about getting rewards for ourselves in Heaven. Instead, we hope you reap eternal rewards from listening. Our wish and prayer is that you and yours be drawn closer to The Lord by the ministry. We want people to become Christians through the station. During times of "hard trials," we want the Lord to help and encourage you through All Quartets Radio. May God bless you. God bless America. And may America bless God. Carlotta's Story As a young girl in the mountains of West Virginia I would listen to quartets on the radio. My aunt played gospel records when I went up the road a few hundred feet to her house. After my dad was saved, he loved to listen to quartet music on the radio. I remember watching from another room as he listened, Bible in hand, eyes closed. Carl and I first talked about this idea a long time ago. I do not remember just when. But we both agreed it would be wonderful to have a station featuring only this kind of special music. From my years of studying music and voice, I learned that Gospel quartet music is an original American art form. The beauty of four-part harmony has always appealed to me. Singing in a mixed quartet in college allowed me, a poor coal miner's daughter, to get a college degree without paying very much tuition. Now we have obtained all the equipment and come up with a beautiful web site that we pray will result in The Lord touching many lives. Pray for All Quartets Radio. Please ask God to make it a blessing in your life and lives of many others. And maybe this wonderful form of music and message will even rub off on your children or grandchildren. Being a mother myself, that is my special prayer. Thank you and I pray that God will richly bless you. Who Owns All Quartets Radio? I do. I am Carl Ramsey. The station is a sole proprietorship at the present time. That is what my CPA recommends for starting the station. Carlotta and I used our own money to fund the start up and initial operation of the station. We have now exhausted our start up money. Therefore, we solicit your prayers about whether or not you should support All Quartets Radio through donations as well as by making all the retail purchases possible from the IGive web shopping service featured throughout our website and using the very inexpensive Blessed Hope long distance service. These two organizations return part of your expenditure to All Quartets Radio. Blessed Hope also refuses to do business with any other phone company that support unbiblical causes. Please feel free to contact us at allquartetsradio@xecu.net.
Website: http://www.allquartetsradio.com/ Email: Tel: (301) 695-3320 Address: 2100 Wayside Dr.Frederick, MD 21702 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/All-Quartets-Radio/156163591109910
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