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Beck Weekend Edition, The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Savage Nation, Best of Dean Edell, Coast to Coast AM, The Glenn Beck Program, Costas on the Radio, At Home, Live on Sunday Night, Best of Coast to Coast, The Lars Larson Show, Imagination Theater, Field and Stream Radio, Info Track, Around the House, Cooking Outdoors, Garden Show, KPNW Infomercials, KPNW Morning Show, Northwest Vine Time, On Tap ----- Hosts: Gary Sullivan, George Noory, Ian Punnett, George Knapp, Lars Larson, Glenn Beck, Mark Levin
Contact details
Website: http://www.kpnw.com/ Email: Tel: (541) 485 1120 Address: 1500 Valley River Drive Suite 350, Eugene, OR 97401 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wakeupcall1120